Mise a jour Arma 3 | 10GO 01.12.2016
FROM: High Command
TO: Arma 3 Users
UNIT: Main Branch
ACTIVITY: Game Update 1.66 (Footsteps Audio Overhaul, Tactical Ping, Maintenance)
SIZE: ~10 GB / ~1.6 GB (depends on Apex ownership)
- Added: Tactical Ping
- Added: Controls for muting players in the scenario briefing and in the map interface
- Added: Support for new zeroing sounds
- Added: Sound samples for crawling on sand
- Added: The new explosionShielding named object property to all mines and explosives determining a resistance to bullet impacts
- Added: An icon for a target locked by a weapon's seeker that is temporarily out of the line of sight
- Added: An ability to override the group insignia for the Virtual Spectator (affects only the Spectator's view)
- Added: Gravel footsteps were added to the sound layers
- Added: A set of bitwise scripted functions
- Added: New config classes of NVGoggles to the list used by ambient animation function, so it handles them properly
- Added: Separate difficulty option for Tactical Ping
- Added: Several new task types (currently there are 58 object or action related task types + 26 task types containing Latin capital letters. A list of supported object / action related task types follows: default, armor, attack, backpack, boat, box, car, container, danger, defend, destroy, documents, download, exit, getin, getout, heal, heli, help, intel, interact, kill, land, listen, map, meet, mine, move, move1, move2, move3, move4, move5, navigate, plane, radio
- rearm, refuel, repair, rifle, run, scout, search, takeoff, talk, talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4, talk5, target, truck, unknown, upload, use, wait, walk, whiteboard
- Added: New tactical pace boots audio assets for Tanoa
- Added: New sounds for crawling through (shallow) water
- Added: The currently equipped CfgMagazines and CfgAmmo classes are bookmarked by default in the Config Viewer
- Added: Servo sound for AH-99 Blackfoot turret movement
- Added: Vaulting movement sound
- Added: New samples for M320 bolt movement
- Added: MP functionality to the Friendly Fire module
- Added: Map markers for HQ in Support scenarios
- Added: A new BIS_fnc_exportGUIBaseClasses function to copy basic GUI macros and base classes (e.g. RscText) to the clipboard
- Tweaked: Footstep audio technology was overhauled (new sounds, layers and configuration, removal of the old technology)
- Tweaked: Some buildings on Tanoa have been adjusted to visualize non-enterable doors better
- Tweaked: The speed of aiming down the weapon sights is now reflected by a weapon's mass value
- Tweaked: Hold Breath is now bound to Left Shift in the Arma 3 Apex preset (instead of the Right Mouse Button)
- Tweaked: The ability to set 500 m sectors in Zeus was removed as its visualization was causing freezes
- Tweaked: Collision envelopes for character movement to prevent levitating on stairs
- Tweaked: Claymore Charge, Explosive Charge and Explosive Satchel placed in the Eden Editor do not explode under fire just like their soldier placed counterparts. Variants destructible by shooting can be placed by script and their class names have "_scripted" class name suffix
- Tweaked: Positions of the inventory attachments icons of the AK-12
- Tweaked: The Type-115 rifle now has a consistent range of zeroing (100 to 600 meters – secondary .50 muzzle included)
- Tweaked: The dispersion values of the Mk200 and Zafir machine guns were slightly increased
- Tweaked: The ti me needed for aiming down the sights of launchers has been adjusted
- Tweaked: The kick back force of the Type-115 secondary muzzle shots was slightly decreased
- Tweaked: Various translations in different languages
- Tweaked: The Zubr revolver is now more precise and powerful
- Tweaked: Standard, Urban and Pacific OPFOR Explosive Specialists can now survive an explosion of one anti-personnel mine (like their NATO and Independent counterparts)
- Tweaked: The damage of anti-personnel mines was adjusted
- Tweaked: The mass value of the Standard anti-personnel mine was lowered
- Tweaked: The Tripwire anti-personnel mines are now less likely to be spotted
- Tweaked: The Standard anti-personnel mines are now more likely to be spotted
- Tweaked: The damage model for the 'Basic' Revive setting was changed
- Tweaked: Basic interactions were separated from the action menu (for the Arma 3 Apex and Industry Standard presets)
- Tweaked: Damage dealt by the PDM-7 amphibious mine was increased
- Tweaked: Triggering of the PDM-7 amphibious mine is now done by passing over it within 10 meters (instead of 5 meters in all directions)
- Tweaked: The Aspect Ratio setting was removed from the Display options (see SITREP #00176 for motivations)
- Tweaked: Confirming a selection in the Action Menu can now be done by pressing Space in the Arma 2 key preset
- Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_locationDescription function was optimized
- Tweaked: Models of several structures on Tanoa were optimized
- Tweaked: Sharp rocks now have a better geometry for detecting bullet impacts
- Tweaked: The redundant NedMalloc_bi.dll, tbb3malloc_bi.dll and TCMalloc_bi.dll memory allocators were removed from the game distribution due to their age and potential stability issues
- Tweaked: Loadouts of AA and AT Missile Specialists of all factions have been adjusted (they are no longer overloaded by default)
- Tweaked: Mass values of the NLAW, Titan AT and Titan AA launchers were slightly decreased
- Tweaked: The flight pattern characteristics of the RPG-7 munitions were improved to better correspond with their real life counterparts
- Tweaked: The MetalPlate footstep reverb sounds (including the interior versions) were updated
- Tweaked: The Tile footstep reverb sounds were updated
- Tweaked: The volume of interior footstep reverb sounds was increased on Tanoa
- Tweaked: The sounds for crawling on straw were updated on Tanoa
- Tweaked: The audio settings for stone debris and crawling on straw were improved
- Tweaked: The load order of the CfgPatches classes was adjusted. Each deliverable as a whole is now dependent on all of the previous deliverables (in chronological order).
- Tweaked: The reverbs, softWood sounds, and medium boot LPF sounds were improved
- Tweaked: The "Wet" layer settings for Tanoa interiors were disabled
- Tweaked: The sound tail settings for interiors were updated
- Tweaked: Randomization of footstep sounds was improved (e.g. branch breaks and wood creaks)
- Tweaked: The CRV-6E Bobcat and Mi-290 Taru supply variants now also have a near infinite supply of ammunition, fuel and repair resources, just like the other supply vehicles in the game
- Tweaked: Reduced the head heaving and swaying in vanilla airplanes (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/189734-targeting-improvements/page-16#entry3080333)
- Tweaked: Respawn script optimization
- Tweaked: Modest optimizations of the scripted Simulation Manager module
- Tweaked: Various small balancing adjustments of materials and textures across natural objects
- Tweaked: Separated settings for combat pace footstep audio on Tanoa
- Tweaked: AI driving improvements (zig-zagging and path refreshing)
- Tweaked: Improved tactical pace individual audio settings for footsteps
- Tweaked: The volume of footsteps on straw was adjusted
- Tweaked: The Protector SMG can now attach Flashlight and Laser Pointer to the side rail
- Tweaked: Civil variants of Zamak trucks have new textures. There is also another color for their cabins.
- Tweaked: The volume of footstep sounds on stone surfaces was lowered
- Tweaked: Sounds for footsteps on stone and grass surfaces were improved
- Tweaked: The grassTall sounds were improved
- Tweaked: Doorway collision geometry for the Airport_01_controlTower_F and Airport_01_terminal_F structures was improved
- Tweaked: Wired Fences now have correct fire geometry
- Tweaked: The brightness of several props (textures, materials)
- Tweaked: The fire geometry of palm trees was improved to better correspond with the visual models
- Tweaked: The insertion helicopter is now locked until players are supposed to disembark in Showcase Firing From Vehicles
- Tweaked: Tasks in the VR Training scenarios now include also direct links to the Field Manual
- Tweaked: Volume of the radio communication at the beginning of Showcase Commanding was rebalanced
- Tweaked: The Tanoa main menu preview video was updated
- Tweaked: Minimum overall & object visibility are now forced to ensure players can see the helicopter wreck from the UAV in Showcase Firing From Vehicles
- Tweaked: Player overstepping an obstacle movement sound - setting in config files - raised volume of related movement sounds
- Tweaked: Minor turret servo sound adjustments
- Tweaked: The volume of footstep sounds on water was balanced
- Tweaked: Icons in the Zeus Custom Objective module were updated to Eden Editor versions
- Tweaked: Virtual Spectator mode is now described in the Field Manual
- Tweaked: The volume of servo ramp samples of VTOLs was increased
- Fixed: NATO (Pacific) Recon Marksmen were missing sound suppressors from their loadouts
- Fixed: The AKM rifle was available with an incorrect magazine in the editor
- Fixed: Cluster ammunition used a missile model (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T83464#1106580)
- Fixed: The speed of aiming down the weapon sights was not influenced by a weapon's mass value in all cases
- Fixed: End Game objective icons would not be placed correctly for objects above water
- Fixed: After dying near the Schematics in an End Game scenario, players could still see the possibility to connect to the Schematics
- Fixed: A pop up error when picking up the Schematics when playing an End Game scenario
- Fixed: Limping in a forward left direction with a raised weapon caused a loop (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120109)
- Fixed: A pop up error when entering the Virtual Spectator
- Fixed: Respawn tickets were not depleting after a player's death in some cases
- Fixed: The "onPlayerKilled.sqf" and the "Killed" Event Handlers were not fired when players would bleed out in Revive
- Fixed: A pop up error in End Game
- Fixed: The LBV Grenadier Harness (Gray) would have an incorrect model when placed on the ground from the inventory
- Fixed: The Rangemaster Cap would have an incorrect texture when placed on the ground from the inventory
- Fixed: BIS_fnc_keyHold would not exit properly if the passed condition returned false while Space was being pressed
- Fixed: Various incorrect sound sample paths
- Fixed: Models of players could get duplicated after a respawn in an End Game scenario
- Fixed: The reloading sound for the 12.7 mm HMG was missing
- Fixed: The soundEdge parameter of the crawling animations had an incorrect value
- Fixed: Running diagonally in a crouch stance would have an inconsistent speed for different directions
- Fixed: The Details tab was shown automatically after the Respawn menu was opened in some cases
- Fixed: Scenarios would not start if a Dedicated Server administrator left during the scenario loading
- Fixed: Script error when switching window focus in the debriefing of Apex Protocol scenarios
- Fixed: Using the #missions server command in the campaign lobby on a Dedicated Server would kick all players out of the server
- Fixed: Running in a crouched tactical pace diagonally would result in an inconsistent speed for different directions
- Fixed: The cost of launcher ammunition was incorrect
- Fixed: End Game download icons were placed incorrectly (high above the download points)
- Fixed: A Score Table screen would be missing if players ended the scenario in the Respawn Menu
- Fixed: The free camera controls in the Virtual Spectator were missing in the controls helper
- Fixed: Typos in the wheel PhysX config (maxDroop)
- Fixed: A script error in the respawn limit scripts
- Fixed: An occasional script error when respawning (trying to apply a loadout from an already deleted list of loadouts)
- Fixed: When a player would pick up the schematics in End Game, there was a pop up error about a missing texture
- Fixed: An occasional script error in health post processes
- Fixed: When a Zeus switched to His own character view He was not able to exit it
- Fixed: A character would lower its weapon if the player kneeled while turning
- Fixed: Forced crouch when a character stopped crawling while turning to the side (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T118723 / https://feedback.bistudio.com/T117123)
- Fixed: Various Respawn Menu related script errors
- Fixed: Geometries inside the military offices
- Fixed: It was possible to hijack UI elements for malicious code execution in multiplayer
- Fixed: Open geometry in a shadow LOD
- Fixed: Incorrect text in the texture of the Bullet Trap
- Fixed: The BIS_fnc_attachToRelative and BIS_fnc_weaponDirectionRelative functions were affected by waves
- Fixed: The Zamak truck would have trouble entering the airfield in Showcase Gunships
- Fixed: Setting a rank via the Rank module was not working
- Fixed: Helicopters would sometimes land inside the town instead of their dedicated LZs in Showcase Firing From Vehicles
- Fixed: Reconnecting to a server as Zeus would no longer allow to remotely control a previously controlled unit
- Fixed: A problem with stamina postprocesses on new Intel drivers
- Fixed: The "MultistoryBuilding_01_F" was missing parts of its (fire) geometry (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T118367)
- Fixed: Seize scenarios would not end after time ran out
- Fixed: Exploitable collision geometry for several Large Altis House variants
- Fixed: Pillars in the Altis Airport Terminal were missing their collision geometry (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=27892)
- Fixed: Wooden Wall Pole had an incorrect fire geometry
- Fixed: Kart Time Trials didn't correctly trigger the death ending after injuries incompatible with life
- Fixed: There were too many footstep sounds when strafing slowly in crouched stance
- Fixed: The camera could get stuck when a directly controlled drone was destroyed
- Fixed: Tin Wall Pole had an incorrect fire geometry
- Fixed: Zeus task notification icons could get very small
- Fixed: There were too many crawl sounds being played at once
- Fixed: Players could run Rook over using a drone in Showcase Drones and the scenario wouldn't fail
- Fixed: Deleting user profiles would display an obsolete menu color
- Fixed: Script errors would appear after connecting to an End Game session as the Virtual Spectator
- Fixed: Script error when using the Virtual Spectator
- Fixed: Rewards for capturing sectors in the Seize Edoris scenario did not work in some cases
- Fixed: The Zone Restriction module would not work with preset area triggers from Eden Editor
- Fixed: Error message in End Game scenarios
- Fixed: Incorrect animation when swimming on the water surface
- Fixed: A "Wet" sound layer for footsteps was missing for the asphalt surface
- Fixed: Standing on the roof of Church_02 could cause objects to disappear (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T119597)
- Fixed: The BIS_fnc_arrayShuffle function could affect the source array
- Fixed: The strategic map was too dark (campaign)
- Fixed: A missing sound for incoming missiles in an aircraft
- Fixed: Various environment prop art glitches
- Fixed: Setting scripted waypoint types in Zeus was not working correctly (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/189798-zeus-land-way-points-do-not-work/)
- Fixed: CSAT Pacific Team Leaders were missing an UGL for their rifle
- Fixed: CSAT Team Leaders, Squad Leaders, Recon Team Leaders and Spotters had incorrect camouflage variants of the ARCO optics
- Fixed: The Autocannon task in the Helicopters Virtual Training could be completed without player input
- Fixed: Names of the Support scenarios would be displayed incorrectly in the multiplayer lobby (mission folder names instead of localized names)
- Fixed: Awarded support could target groups and vehicles in the player base or its vicinity in Support scenarios
- Fixed: JIPing players could trigger task reassignment on other players
- Fixed: CSAT Viper's Special Purpose Suit could block the view of NGVs
- Fixed: There would be no sound when a vehicle collided with water
- Fixed: Information about used DLC content was missing in the Debfriefing screen after a scenario failed
- Fixed: Only the squad leader could disembark from the Hummingbird when playing Showcase Firing from Vehicles in multiplayer
- Added: A minimal distance parameter for the Garbage Collector settings (defines a minimal distance wrecks or bodies need to be from the nearest playable entity for a Garbage Collector to delete them)
- Added: Icons for toggling layer transformation and visibility (placed below the entity list)
- Added: Icons for task modules
- Added: "Apply to" attribute in several modules now also lists all editor layers. This way, it's possible to apply module function on all objects within the layer.
- Added: A new menu to preview available GUI grids. Access it by executing following code in Eden Editor's debug console: 0 = (findDisplay 313) createDisplay "RscTestGrids"; (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/GUI_Coordinates)
- Tweaked: The modules list is now collapsed by default instead of showing the Misc category (to provide a clearer overview of all categories)
- Tweaked: In the save / load display, the search field was moved to the top right corner (in the top left corner it looked too much like a scenario name input field)
- Tweaked: Multi-line text input fields for attributes are now wider
- Tweaked: The default module icon is now more consistent with the "Modules" section icon
- Tweaked: Modules in the "Intel" category are now using new attributes
- Tweaked: The "Init" text field in the system attributes now only has 3 lines instead of 5. It's not used as often, so the change saves some space.
- Tweaked: All modules in the "Object Modifiers" category are now using the new Eden Editor attribute system
- Tweaked: "Create Task" module icon
- Tweaked: Range settings for camera movement in the Eden Editor were adjusted. Users can now lower them down to 10% or up to 300%.
- Fixed: An error would pop up when trying to open the Virtual Spectator from the Pause Menu while playing from the Eden Editor without a playable unit
- Fixed: Clicking on the "Collapse All" button while the list was filtered by a search phrase often resulted in an empty list after the phrase was removed
- Fixed: In the attributes of markers, Position was above Size. This was inconsistent with other entities, where Position is always first. The order has been switched.
- Fixed: Script error when trying to open the Virtual Spectator from the Pause Menu while previewing from the Eden Editor without a playable unit
- Fixed: Checkboxes didn't recognize string input values
- Fixed: The "Advanced Flight Model" attribute was missing from the editor's General attributes